We Humans seem to be increasingly moving towards a place of political and social negativity and instability, with the media flooded with words of racism, discrimination and hatred by those in power.
To champion a more inclusive and humane world, I wanted to explore the ways photography can fight social constructs and discrimination, and become a catalyst for awareness, education and accurate minority representation in the media.
Being a commercial photographer, I frequently hear about diversity and inclusivity, and notice that disability is often left out of the diversity conversation.
I had the opportunity to work with an amazing group of people who are already having an impact on the industry, and wanted to facilitate this further the best way I could: by bringing everyone together in an environment, free from prejudice and with no specific intention other than to capture natural moments of beauty and human interaction.
In these times, we as people need to start looking to live together - beyond country barriers, in diverse tribes of billions, respecting differences and bonding through collaboration and community.